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Essentials for traveling with the kids this summer!

I was on a flight to the UK last week for a meeting and happened to be sitting behind a couple with 2 young children. As the flight got under way the kids inevitably got more and more restless as the flight went on. As the crying and shouting carried on I took it upon myself to offer them a few fun packs that I had in my holdall.

I must say that instead of saying ‘butt out’ to me the parents were over the moon with my offer and even more so when the kids actually stayed quiet for 20 mins. The mother said that she had forgot to pack anything for the journey and didn’t realise they would play up on such a short trip. This is nothing new, we have all been there that is why when going on holiday or a break away it is essential that you prepare for the trip, so here is a handy few tips to help out ?

  • Getting your kids started on a few holiday-related projects before you leave is a great way to prepare them for what’s to come. You could explore countries and maps, urban myths, animal and plant life of your destination, or read books or watch a film that’s set there.
  • If travelling by aeroplane make up a travel kit to tackle boredom head on. Colouring pencils, colouring books, small toys, books and of course a fun pack are good fillers. Also make sure to have enough snacks and drinks as plane service can take an age to get round and kids get bored quick.
  • Once you’ve reached your destination, prepare a list of possible activities that take various lengths of time and suit different weather conditions. Check out the
    hotels facilities, nearby cinema’s, beaches, play centre’s etc.
  • Aside from taking photos, there are lots of other ways to help your children preserve memories of your trip. You could buy a postcard for each destination and help them to note a message on the back, alongside the date or their age. You could also get them started on collections of things that can be found in most places,such as badges, hats , toys or football jerseys.
  • Let’s not forget that when travelling on a break or holiday with kids also make sure to give yourself a little break from them. Take it in turns to have a few hours off or utilise the kids clubs or summer camps that may be going on. After all this break is also for you as well and I am sure that the kids could even do with a break from mum and dad once in a while.